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Welcome to the Docker Community repo!

This repo aims to centralize content (HOW-TOs, scripts, slides, events etc) curated by Docker User Groups. The main objective is to help members of the Docker community who share similar interests to learn from & collaborate with each other during events. This is a community oriented and run repository, which is maintained by Docker community members. This is the perfect place to host projects, proofs of concept, documentation, and more…

For more information about this project, visit

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Table of Contents

Community Groups

There are two active Docker commnity groups - Docker Captains and Docker Community Leaders

Docker Captains

Docker Community Leaders


How to join Docker Community Slack

Please help by joining the Slack channel (we like to talk about Docker in general, even if you only have questions — discussion helps the community and guides improvements) and contributing to the guide. This guide is open to contributions, so unlike a blog, it can keep improving. Like any open source effort, we combine

Contribute a Community blog

Social Media

Follow us on Twitter, like Docker on Facebook and follow Docker on LinkedIn



Check out our YouTube page for videos of recorded talks from DockerCon, webinars and other meetups.

Community Events

Office Hours

  • Coming Soon



  • Coming Soon

Live Shows

  • Coming Soon


  • Coming Soon


  • Coming Soon

Community Engagements

Docker Forums

This is a public forum for users to discuss questions and explore current design patterns and best practices about Docker and related projects in the Docker Ecosystem.To participate, just log in with your Docker Hub account. Make sure to also review our Community Guidelines, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy.

Community Resources

Event Resources

Press Materials


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  • tbd -

Play with Docker Classroom

The Play with Docker classroom brings you labs and tutorials that help you get hands-on experience using Docker. In this classroom you will find a mix labs and tutorials that will help Docker users, including SysAdmins, IT Pros, and Developers. There is a mix of hands-on tutorials right in the browser, instructions on setting up and using Docker in your own environment, and resources about best practices for developing and deploying your own applications.

If you want to contribute a lab, check out this GitHub repo and get started.


Ajeet Singh Raina
Ajeet Singh Raina

William Quiviger
William Quiviger

Sangam Birdar
Sangam Biradar

Gaurav Gahlot
Gaurav Gahlot