Post-Event Follow-up

#1 Send a Thank You email

S.No. Name of Objectives Status
1 “Thank you for attending” post on the social media channels ☑️
2 “Thank you” email to all those who registered and attended the event ☑️
3 Share the pics you took during the event and share it on social media(LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook Public Docker Group etc ☑️
4 Send thanks email to sponsor/vendors if this workshop is part of the Meetup event. ☑️
5 Thank core team and volunteers who helped you with the workshop ☑️

#2 Post-event Review

S.No. Name of Objectives Status
1 Sit down with your team for a debrief session where you discuss how the event went ☑️
2 Consider inviting at least some of the volunteers. ☑️
3 Evaluate whether the event was a success according to whatever goals you’ve set ☑️
4 Have an open discussion about what worked well and what could be done better the next time around. ☑️
5 Sit down with your team for a debrief session where you discuss how the event went ☑️

#3 Ask for feedback

S.No. Name of Objectives Status
1 While the event is still fresh in everyone’s mind, get their feedback about it. ☑️
2 Be straightforward. Collect input is to send out an email link to a survey that people can fill out online. ☑️
3 Pick the one you like. If you can, add an incentive (free tickets to your next events, chance to win a gift card, and the like.). ☑️
4 Having everyone fill out the same survey makes it easy to compare their input and spot trends and areas that need improvement. ☑️

#4 Follow up on social media

S.No. Name of Objectives Status
1 Online chatter about your event won’t immediately quiet down after the event is over. ☑️
2 Follow the conversation and jump in where it make sense to chip in with your input, thank the guests, or answer questions. ☑️
3 Engaging in post-event social media chatter and keeping the buzz going will also help you build audience for your next event. ☑️
4 Online chatter about your event won’t immediately quiet down after the event is over. ☑️

#5 Start planning your next event

S.No. Name of Objectives Status
1 Start putting all of that to good use and begin jotting down ideas for your next fantastic event ☑️

Step 7 - Community Leader Survey