Setup Docker Environments

This section describes the hardware and software needed for this workshop, and how to configure them. This workshop is designed for a BYOL (Bring Your Own Laptop) style hands-on-lab.

Hardware & Software

  • Memory: At least 4 GB+, strongly preferred 8 GB
  • Operating System: Mac OS X (10.15.7+), Windows 10 Pro+ 64-bit, Ubuntu 20.04+, CentOS 7/8+.

NOTE: An older version of the operating system may be used. The installation instructions would differ slightly in that case and are explained in the next section.

Install Docker

Docker runs natively on Mac, Windows and Linux.

S.No. OS Environment Link to Follow
1 MacOS Link
2 Windows Link
3 Linux Link

Most of the labs tutorials have been tested on Docker Desktop for Mac.

NOTE: Docker requires a fairly recent operating system version.

Download Images

This tutorial uses a few Docker images and software. Let’s download them before we start the tutorial.

Download the file from docker-compose-pull-images.yml and use the following command to pull the required images:

curl -O
docker-compose -f docker-compose-pull-images.yml pull --parallel

NOTE: For Linux, docker-compose and docker commands need sudo access. So prefix all commands with sudo.

Other Software

The software in this section is specific to certain parts of the workshop. Install them only if you plan to attempt them.

S.No. Name of Software Link to Follow
1 Git Link
  • Download and install Java IDE of your choice:
S.No. Name of Software Link to Follow
1 NetBeans 12.2 Java SE version Link
2 IntelliJ IDEA Community or Ultimate Link
3 Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers Link
4 Apache Maven 3.6.3 Link
5 JDK 15 for Linux x64 Link