Lab #15: Create an image with SHELL instruction


  • Create an account with DockerHub
  • Open PWD Platform on your browser
  • Click on Add New Instance on the left side of the screen to bring up Alpine OS instance on the right side

Tested Infrastructure

Platform Number of Instance Reading Time
Play with Docker 1 5 min

How does it work?

Format: SHELL ["executable", "parameters"]

  • The SHELL instruction allows the default shell used for the shell form of commands to be overridden. The default shell on Linux is ["/bin/sh", "-c"], and on Windows is ["cmd", "/S", "/C"]. The SHELL instruction must be written in JSON form in a Dockerfile.
  • The SHELL instruction is particularly useful on Windows where there are two commonly used and quite different native shells: cmd and powershell, as well as alternate shells available including sh.
  • The SHELL instruction can appear multiple times. Each SHELL instruction overrides all previous SHELL instructions, and affects all subsequent instructions.

Create a Dockerfile

FROM windowsservercore

# Executed as cmd /S /C echo default
RUN echo default

# Executed as cmd /S /C powershell -command Write-Host default
RUN powershell -command Write-Host default

# Executed as powershell -command Write-Host hello
SHELL ["powershell", "-command"]
RUN Write-Host hello

# Executed as cmd /S /C echo hello
SHELL ["cmd", "/S"", "/C"]
RUN echo hello

The following instructions can be affected by the SHELL instruction when the shell form of them is used in a Dockerfile: RUN, CMD and ENTRYPOINT. The following example is a common pattern found on Windows which can be streamlined by using the SHELL instruction:

RUN powershell -command Execute-MyCmdlet -param1 "c:\foo.txt"

The command invoked by docker will be:

cmd /S /C powershell -command Execute-MyCmdlet -param1 "c:\foo.txt"

This is inefficient for two reasons. First, there is an un-necessary cmd.exe command processor (aka shell) being invoked. Second, each RUN instruction in the shell form requires an extra powershell -command prefixing the command.

To make it more efficient, one of two mechanisms can be employed. One is to use the JSON form of the RUN command such as:

RUN ["powershell", "-command", "Execute-MyCmdlet", "-param1 \"c:\\foo.txt\""]

While the JSON form is unambiguous and does not use the un-necessary cmd.exe, it does require more verbosity through double-quoting and escaping. The alternate mechanism is to use the SHELL instruction and the shell form, making a more natural syntax for Windows users, especially when combined with the escape parser directive:

# escape=`

FROM windowsservercore
SHELL ["powershell","-command"]
RUN New-Item -ItemType Directory C:\Example
ADD Execute-MyCmdlet.ps1 c:\example\
RUN c:\example\Execute-MyCmdlet -sample 'hello world'

Build an image

PS E:\docker\build\shell> docker build -t shell .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 3.584 kB
Step 1 : FROM windowsservercore
 ---> 5bc36a335344
Step 2 : SHELL powershell -command
 ---> Running in 87d7a64c9751
 ---> 4327358436c1
Removing intermediate container 87d7a64c9751
Step 3 : RUN New-Item -ItemType Directory C:\Example
 ---> Running in 3e6ba16b8df9

Directory: C:\

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----         6/2/2016   2:59 PM                Example

 ---> 1f1dfdcec085
Removing intermediate container 3e6ba16b8df9
Step 4 : ADD Execute-MyCmdlet.ps1 c:\example\
 ---> 6770b4c17f29
Removing intermediate container b139e34291dc
Step 5 : RUN c:\example\Execute-MyCmdlet -sample 'hello world'
 ---> Running in abdcf50dfd1f
Hello from Execute-MyCmdlet.ps1 - passed hello world
 ---> ba0e25255fda
Removing intermediate container abdcf50dfd1f
Successfully built ba0e25255fda
PS E:\docker\build\shell>
  • The SHELL instruction could also be used to modify the way in which a shell operates. For example, using SHELL cmd /S /C /V:ON|OFF on Windows, delayed environment variable expansion semantics could be modified.
  • The SHELL instruction can also be used on Linux should an alternate shell be required such zsh, csh, tcsh and others.
  • The SHELL feature was added in Docker 1.12.

Next » Create an image with USER instruction